Topics of the Bible Christian Bible Study ~ Many Diverse Topics
Every Christian bookstore has a selection of low-priced paperback books with names like A Treasury of Bible Wisdom, Bible Helps for Any Situation or Answers From the Bible. These books usually have scripture verses in 20 or so categories like faith, family, suffering, salvation, obedience, prayer, and peace. Topical Study Bibles also have topical indices in which you will find scripture verses in as many as 400 categories. And still another related book, Where to Find it in the Bible has scripture references for 3,700 topics and situations! While this is all well and good, and these are useful references, I've generally found that having the right scripture verse is often just the starting point in understanding the topic or finding help for a trying situation.
These lessons go one step further. They start with one or more scripture verses on a particular topic, present probing questions about the topic, and broaden out to a more complete look at what the Bible has to say about the topic. Hopefully, this will lead you and those in your group to a deeper uunderstaning of the topic.
If you plan to lead a group in studying one or more of these topics, I recommend you look over the handout and scripture verses, and allow yourself some time to delve into the leader’s guide.
I’ve found with my groups that each lesson or discussion takes about 45 minutes to go through. I’ve also found that people can get passionately involved in these lessons and they can easily run much longer if the leader doesn’t keep things moving along. For most of the topics, there is a supplemental sheet of questions for discussion in small groups. (My main group is fairly large, about 25 men, and we break up after the main lesson into small groups of 3 to 5 men each.)
You'll find that many of the questions are designed to be a springboard to further discussion and there is often no truly right or wrong answer. If you have questions or comments, please use the “Send Mail” button on the menu below. I guarantee that I will read your comments, however, as this web site gets more than 3,000 visitors per day, I can’t possibly answer every one.
In response to your requests, these studies are in Adobe PDF format, so they can easily be printed out. The first page is the handout for the group which in most cases includes supplementary questions for small group discussion. The Leader’s Guides in some cases include the scripture verses, but generally do not. If you cannot read PDF files, click to download Adobe Reader. Note: more topics are being added every week or two.
David Ahl, May 2021