The stupidity of some people in this world never fails to amaze me. The photo above was taken in Waldorf, Maryland by a Transportation Supervisor for a company that delivers building materials for 84 Lumber. When he saw the overloaded red Jetta there in the parking lot of IHOP, he went and bought a disposable camera to take pictures. Note the exhaust smoke, indicating that the car is running.

In this photo, a police officer is looking over the car. He just shook his head in amazement. The only thing he did was to tell the driver to cut off some excess twine at the back of the load. The materials were loaded at a nearby Home Depot where the store manager made the customer sign a waiver before loading the vehicle. On the roof are many 2X4s, 4X4s and OSL sheets of lumber.

A woman is either asleep or otherwise zonked out in the front seat passenger side. Witnesses said the physical state of both the guy and woman was "other than normal." Note than in addition to the lumber on the roof, the back seat contains ten 80-pound bags of concrete! Home Depot estimated the load weight at 3000 lbs.

The car is a VW Jetta with Florida plates. Although both back tires were flattened and the back shocks were driven up through the floorboard, the guy took off on US Route 301 saying he was headed for Annapolis, more than 40 miles away!