Spectacular Sweden First Day Cover Collection 1949-1971 ~ With White Ace Binders ~ Value $600+
In the 23 years from January 1949 through December 1971, Sweden brought out approx. 125 commemorative stamp issues plus 25 issues of definitive (regular) stamps, of between one and five stamps each, Michel 346A to 736C. This lot continas 113 First Day Covers of these issues (most of the ones not included are definitives). 100 of these covers are in two White Ace Continental size flip up cover binders. FDCs from Michel 363 (8/51) on have an insert in four languages that descibes the issue in great detail. Most of these FDCs were actually postally carried from Sweden to New York, USA. Those that were not are unaddressed and are noted in the “Misc” column. The spreadsheet below shows all the FDCs included in this lot. Below is some general information about Swedish stamps, catalog numbers, and FDCs.
The earlier FDCs in this lot are sold by dealers for $4.00 to $7.00 each. Later ones tend to sell for somewhat less. The current retail price for these 113 covers is at least $500.00 The retail price for one White Ace Continental Cover Binder (Album) is $50.75. So the total retail value of this collection is more than $600.00. Here's your chance to get it for a fraction of that! Yours for only $229.95!
Postwar Swedish stamps and FDCs
A few Swedish postwar stamps were issued in sheet form, but the majority were issued as coils (horizontal or vertical). Commemoratives were generally issued in two values and the lower value also issued in booklet form, either horizontal or vertical. Swedish stamps are listed in the Michel (German) stamp catalog, generally with a suffix, as follows.
A: Imperforate top and bottom (horizontal coil).
B: Perforated on all sides (standard sheet stamp). This suffix is often not used, but just the number alone.
C: Imperforate left and right (vertical coil).
D: Stamp from a booklet, usually followed by a second letter.
DD: Pair from a booklet, horizontal or vertical, imperf 2 sides (sometimes a slash is used, i.e, D/D)
Dl: Left stamp from a horizontal booklet pair, imperf left side.
Dr: Right stamp from a horizontal booklet pair, imperf right side.
Do: Top (over) stamp from a vertical booklet pair, imperf top side.
Du: Bottom (under) stamp from a vertical booklet pair. imperf bottom side.
E: Stamp from booklet imperforate on two adjoining sides.
EE: Pair from a booklet pane, imperf on two adjoining sides (or E/E).
ED or DE: Pair from a booklet pane, imperf on three sides (or E/D, D/E).
Swedish First Day Covers typically have all the stamps from an issue on a single cover. For example the FDC for the 1956 issue, Equestrian Olympics, has three single coil stamps, Michel 413-415A, and two booklet pairs, Michel 413DD and 414DD, or 7 stamps in all. Most FDCs issued by Swedish Post are the smaller Continental size, 6" x 4.3" (15.5 cm x 11 cm) but to accomodate the larger issues, some FDCs are 7.15" x 4.95" (18 cm x 12.5 cm) and occasionally 7.65" x 4.95" (19.5 cm x 12.5 cm), which in recent years has become the European standard. FDCs produced by Swedish Post often have a pictorial cancel but rarely have a cachet. Of the roughly 170 FDCs produced in the 40 years from 1941 to 1981, only seven had a cachet on the envelope. This policy changed in mid-1985, and from then on, most FDCs had a cachet.
Sweden issued relatively few stamps per year in the years up through the 50s (about 4 issues per year), but really ratcheted up the pace ftom the mid-60s on (9+ issues per year).

Swedish FDCs ~ 1949-1971 ~ Click on Descriptions in blue for an image of the FDC |
Date | Stamps on FDC | Michel Catalog No. | Michel Cat. Booklet | Description | Misc Info |
01/22/49 |
5 |
346-48A |
346DD |
August Strindberg | |
07/27/49 |
4 |
349-50C |
350DD |
Lingiaden Gymnastics |
09/10/49 |
7 |
351-53C |
351DD, 352DD |
U.P.U. |
Cachet |
06/06/51 |
9 |
356-60A |
356DD, 359DD |
Definitives (5 values) |
Cachet |
08/30/51 |
4 |
363-64A |
363DD |
Christopher Polhem |
04/09/52 |
4 |
367-68C |
367DD |
Olavus Petri |
11/11/52 |
7 |
376-78C |
376DD, 377DD |
King Gustaf VI Adolf Birthday |
Cachet |
05/27/53 |
6 |
379-82 |
379DD |
Athletic Federation - Sports |
06/17/53 |
4 |
383-84A |
383DD |
Stockholm, 700 yr anniv |
11/02/53 |
5 |
385-87C |
385DD |
Telegraph Service |
02/13/54 |
4 |
388-89A |
388DD |
Skiing |
06/18/54 |
4 |
394-95C |
394DD |
Anna Marie Lenngren |
11/08/54 |
5 |
396-400 | |
Rock Carvings |
05/16/55 |
8 |
402-03A |
402DD, 402DE |
Stamp Jubilee - First stamps |
06/06/55 |
3 |
404-05 | |
National Flag Day |
07/01/55 |
5 |
406-10 | |
Stockholmia 55 Philatelic Expo |
Cachet |
07/21/55 |
4 |
411-12C |
411DD |
Pehr Daniel Amadeus Atterbom |
04/16/56 |
7 |
413-15A |
413DD, 414DD |
Equestrian Olympics |
10/30/56 |
2 |
416-17 | |
Northern Swans |
06/01/57 |
4 |
421-22A |
421DD |
Sea Rescue Society |
02/10/58 |
8 |
434-37A |
434DD, 436DD |
Sea & Helicopter Mail |
05/08/58 |
7 |
438-40A |
438DD, 439DD |
World Cup Football |
05/08/59 |
3 |
448C |
448DD |
Red Cross, Henry Dunant |
07/06/59 |
4 |
449-50C |
449DD |
Werner von Heidenstam |
09/04/59 |
4 |
451-52C |
451DD |
Crown Forest Board |
12/10/59 |
4 |
453-54C |
453DD |
Svante Arrhenius |
02/18/60 |
4 |
455-56C |
455DD |
Anders Zorn |
04/07/60 |
4 |
457-58C |
457DD |
World Refugee Year |
06/30/60 |
4 |
459-60A |
459DD |
Voluntary Shooting Organization |
08/22/60 |
4 |
461-62C |
461DD |
Gustaf Froding |
09/19/60 |
2 |
463-64 | |
Europa C.E.R.T. Conference |
11/23/60 |
4 |
465-66C |
465DD |
Hjalmar Branting |
03/20/61 |
9 |
468-70A |
468-70, all DD |
King Gustaf VI Adolf |
04/17/61 |
4 |
471-72C |
471DD |
Carl Gustaf Plio |
06/02/61 |
4 |
473-74A |
473DD |
Jonas Alstomer |
09/22/61 |
4 |
476-77A |
476DD |
Royal Library & Printing |
12/09/61 |
5 |
482-84A |
482DD |
Nobel Prize Winners, 1901 |
01/29/62 |
4 |
485-86A |
485DD |
Local Mail Delivery Service |
03/21/62 |
4 |
487-88C |
487DD |
Municipal Laws |
09/24/62 |
6 |
495-96A |
495DD, 496DD |
Historical Monuments |
11/10/62 |
4 |
498-99A,C | |
King Gustaf VI Adolf Birthday |
Cachet |
12/10/62 |
4 |
500-01A |
500DD |
Nobel Prize Winners, 1902 |
02/15/63 |
4 |
502-03C |
502DD |
Ice Hockey |
03/21/63 |
4 |
504-05A |
504DD |
Freedom from Hunger |
05/27/63 |
4 |
506-07A |
506DD |
Engineering & Industrial Art |
09/16/63 |
7 |
508-10A |
508DD, 509DD |
G.F. duRietz, Board of Health |
10/25/63 |
4 |
511-12A |
511DD |
Historic Buildings |
Cachet |
12/10/63 |
4 |
513-14A |
513DD |
Nobel Prize Winners, 1903 |
02/03/64 |
4 |
515-16C |
515DD |
Erik Axel Karlfeldt |
06/12/64 |
4 |
517-18A,C | |
Archbiscopric of Uppsala |
12/10/64 |
6 |
529-30A |
529DD, 530DD |
Nobel Prize Winners, 1904 |
04/05/65 |
4 |
531-32C |
531DD |
Visby Ring Wall |
05/17/65 |
5 |
533x,534-5C | |
Int'l Telecommunications Union |
07/05/65 |
4 |
536-37C |
536DD |
Prince Eugen |
10/25/65 |
4 |
540-41A |
540DD |
Frederika Bremer |
12/10/65 |
6 |
542-43A |
542DD, 543DD |
Nobel Prize Winners, 1905 |
01/15/66 |
4 |
544-45C |
544DD |
Nathan Soderblom |
02/18/66 |
10 | |
546-48, all DD |
Speed Skating |
03/26/66 |
2 |
549-50 | |
National Museum Opening |
05/12/66 |
4 |
553-54A |
553DD |
Two-Chamber Parliament |
06/15/66 |
10 | |
555-57, all DD |
Drottingholm Theater |
09/25/66 |
4 |
558-59C |
558DD |
Carl Jonas Love Almqvist |
11/15/66 |
10 | |
560D-65D |
Ships - Nat'l Cancer Fund |
12/10/66 |
6 |
566-67A |
566DD, 567DD |
Nobel Prize Winners, 1906 |
02/15/67 |
3 |
573C |
573DD |
03/15/67 |
3 |
575A |
575DD |
Landscape |
04/11/67 |
4 |
578-79C |
578DD |
Table Tennis |
05/17/67 |
10 | |
580-83, all DD |
Bronze Helmet Plates |
Cachet |
06/16/67 |
10 |
584-85 | |
Finnish Settlers |
09/03/67 |
4 |
588-89A,C | |
Right Side Traffic |
10/16/67 |
10 |
590-2C, 93A |
590,2,3, all DD |
Plants & Animals Definitives |
11/11/67 |
6 |
594-95C |
594DD, 595DD |
King Gustaf VI Adolf Birthday |
04/03/68 |
4 |
601-02C |
601DD |
Franz Berwald |
05/15/68 |
6 |
603-04A |
603DD, 604DD |
Bank of Sweden |
06/04/68 |
10 | |
605DD, 606DD |
Lund University |
07/04/68 |
4 |
612-13C |
612DD |
World Council of Churches |
08/04/68 |
10 | |
607-11, all DD |
Wild Flowers |
08/09/68 |
4 |
614-15C |
614DD |
People's College |
09/05/68 |
4 |
616-17C |
616DD |
World Cup Orienteering |
10/28/68 |
8 | |
618Dr, 19DD, 20Dl |
Axel Petterson |
Unaddr |
11/25/68 |
10 | |
621-25, all DD |
Birds and Animals |
12/10/68 |
6 |
626-27A |
626DD, 627DD |
Nobel Prize Winners, 1908 |
Unaddr |
02/28/69 |
4 |
629-30A |
629DD |
Northern Countries Union |
Unaddr |
03/31/68 |
4 |
632-33C |
632DD |
Int'l Labor Organization |
Unaddr |
04/28/69 |
4 |
634-35A |
634DD |
Europa C.E.R.T. Building |
Unaddr |
05/12/69 |
6 |
636-37A |
636DD, 637DD |
Albert Engstrom |
Unaddr |
06/06/69 |
6 |
638-43 M/S | |
Ivan Agueli paintings |
09/03/69 |
10 | |
644-49, all DD |
Warship Wasa |
10/13/69 |
3 |
653C |
653DD |
Hjalmar Soderberg |
10/13/69 |
3 |
654A |
654DD |
Bo Bergman |
11/17/69 |
2 |
655-56A | |
Lighthouse Service |
11/17/69 |
10 | |
657-61, all DD |
Swedish Fairy Tales |
12/10/69 |
7 |
662-64A |
662DD, 663DD |
Nobel Prize Winners, 1909 |
02/09/70 |
4 |
665-66A |
666DD |
St. Steven, Timber Floating |
02/09/70 |
8 | |
667-70, all DD |
Forgings |
05/11/70 |
2 |
674-75A | |
Nature Conservation Year |
06/05/70 |
5 |
676-80C | |
Polar Area |
08/28/70 |
3 |
681C |
681DD |
Glimmingehus, Skane |
Unaddr |
08/28/70 |
1 |
682A | |
China Palace |
Unaddr |
10/24/70 |
4 |
690-91A,C | |
United Nations, 25 years |
11/20/70 |
10 | |
692-96, all DD |
Christmas Birds |
12/10/70 |
7 |
697-99C |
697DD, 698DD |
Nobel Prize Winners, 1910 |
01/22/71 |
1 |
700A | |
Ferry & Royal Palace |
03/26/71 |
4 |
704-05A |
704DD |
Help for Refugees |
04/23/71 |
5 |
706C, 707-8A | |
Paintings, Tapestry |
Unaddr |
06/04/71 |
2 |
709A,C | |
Container Port |
06/04/71 |
2 |
710-11A | |
Logging Sledge, Windmill |
08/27/71 |
4 |
713-14C |
713DD |
Royal Academy of Music |
Unaddr |
09/28/71 |
1 |
716A | |
Mail Coach |
Unaddr |
09/28/71 |
5 |
717-20C | |
Gotland Stone Masons Art |
Unaddr |
10/20/71 |
4 |
721-22A |
721DD |
Road Safety |
Unaddr |
10/20/71 |
10 | |
723-27, all DD |
Crown Jewelry Regalia |
Unaddr |
11/10/71 |
3 |
733A |
733DD |
Nils Holgersson |
Unaddr |
For shipping, I will send the collection by USPS Parcel Post for just my out-of-pocket cost (in USA, $12 to $19 depending upon where you live relative to New Jersey). I'm not like some Internet sellers who build big profits into shipping and screw the buyer. In January 2013, the USPS made a very large increase in foreign postage rates. These two binders weigh 7 pounds and would cost $59.95 to mail to an address in Europe.