FDCs of U.S. Postage Stamps ~ 1990
On this page you will find 134 First Day Covers of U.S. commemorative postage stamps issued in 1990, Scott 2439-2516, including the first ATM self-adhesive plastic stamp (Scott 2475). Covers are listed by Scott number. All are unaddressed.
Please order by cover number and cachet. Prices are cheap! They're way under dealer and auction prices. All covers will be sent by first class or Priority Mail. You, the buyer, pay only the exact postage plus 50c per order for packaging and handling.
To make sure you get what you want, e-mail me at SwapMeetDave@aol.com and I'll set aside the items you want and ship them upon receipt of your check or money order. I also accept Pay Pal (pay to my account: SwapMeetDave@aol.com). Send your order with payment to David Ahl, 12 Indian Head Road, Morristown, NJ 07960. Thank you!
FDCs from 1989 |
FDCs from 1991
Click on any image to see the cover full size.
Order by cover number and cachet (2475 Artmaster, 2482 Goldberg, etc.)
10% Discount on 10 or more similarly-priced covers!
 2348. Rhode Island, Gill Craft-1. $6.00 |
 2348. Rhode Island, Gill Craft-2. $6.00 |
 2348. Rhode Island, Gill Craft-3. $6.00 |
 2348. Rhode Island, Goldberg. $18.00 |
 2348. Rhode Island, Pugh. $18.00 |
 2415. Supreme Court, Gill Craft. $5.00 |
 2415. Supreme Court combo, #40 of 49, Goldberg. $55.00 |
 2439. Idaho, combo, Gill Craft. $6.00 |
 2439. Idaho w/Sc 896, Pugh. $18.00 |
 2440. Love combo, Artcraft-1. $2.00 |
 2440. Love combo, Artcraft-2. $2.00 |
 2440. Handmade env, KMC Venture. $4.00 |
 2440. Love, dual w/UO, Pugh. $14.00 |
 2441. Love, blkt of 10, w/UO, Pugh. $14.00 |
 2440-41. Reg & booklet, Gill Craft. $5.00 |
 2442. Ida B. Wells combo, Gill Craft. SOLD |
 2442. Ida B. Wells, Pugh. $13.00 |
 2442. Ida B. Wells, Goldberg. SOLD |
 2443. Beach Umbrellas bklt of 10, Pugh. $14.00 |
 2444. Wyoming combo, Gill Craft-1. $6.00 |
 2444. Wyoming combo, Gill Craft-2. $6.00 |
 2444. Wyoming w/Sc 897, Pugh. $20.00 |
 2445. Wizard of Oz, Gill Craft. $6.00 |
 2446. Gone With the Wind, Gill Craft. $6.00 |
 2447. Beau Geste, Gill Craft. $6.00 |
 2448. Stagecoach, Gill Craft. $6.00 |
 2445. Art by Kendall Bevil, Pugh. $22.00 |
 2447. Art by Kendall Bevil, Pugh. $22.00 |
 2448. Art by Kendall Bevil, Pugh. $22.00 |
 2445-48. Art by K. Bevil, Pugh. SOLD |
 2445-46. Class Movies pair, Karen's. $12.00 |
 2447-48. Class Movies pair, Karen's. $12.00 |
 2445-48. Classic Films block combo, triple UO, #40 of 48, Goldberg. SOLD |
 2445-48. Classic Movies, Goldberg. $15.00 |
 2449. Marianne Moore, Gill Craft. $6.00 |
 2449. Marianne Moore, Pugh. $13.00 |
 2470-71. Lighthouses booklet (2), Gill Craft. $6.00 |
 2472-73-74. Lighthouses booklet (3), Gill Craft. $6.00 |
 2470. Admiralty Head Lighthouse, Pugh. $190 for set of 5 |
 2471. Cape Hatteras Lighthouse, Pugh. $190 for set of 5 |
 2472. West Quoddy Lighthouse, Pugh. $190 for set of 5 |
 2473. American Shoals Lighthouse, Pugh. $190 for set of 5 |
 2474. Sandy Hook Lighthouse, Pugh. $190 for set of 5 |
 2470-74. Lighthouses booklet, Pugh. $50.00 |
 2470-71. Lighthouses booklet, Karens. SOLD |
 2472-74. Lighthouses booklet, Karens. SOLD |
 2475. ATM plastic stamp, Fleetwood. $2.50 |
 2475. Plastic stamp, Phila UO, rare Law cachet. $12.00 |
 2475. ATM plastic stamp, Panda. $3.00 |
 2475. ATM plastic stamp, KMC Venture. $3.50 |
 2475. ATM stamp combo, Gill Craft. $5.00 |
 2475. Handmade, 10 of only 35, Anagram. $12.00 |
 2475. ATM plastic stamp, Pugh. $13.00 |
 2475. USCGC Polar Sea cancel, Puget Sound Chap. $10.00 |
 2475. Sea-First Sta cancel, Puget Sound Chap USCS. $10.00 |
 2482. $2 Bobcat combo, Gill Craft. $12.00 |
 2482. $2 Bobcat plate no. 1, KMC Venture. $15.00 |
 2482. $2 Bobcat, 34 of 151, Pugh. $20.00 |
 2482. Handmade, 32 of only 40, Anagram. $18.00 |
 2482. $2 Bobcat, hand painted, Karens. SOLD |
 2482. $2 Bobcat, hand painted, Goldberg. SOLD |
 2482. $2 Bobcat, plate block on large #12 env., hand painted, 11 of only 19, Pugh. SOLD |
 2482. $2 Bobcat, sheet of 20 on 7½ x 10½ env., hand painted, 18 of only 38, Pugh. $145.00 |
 2496-2500. Olympians, 5 stamps, #10 env., hand painted, Goldberg. SOLD
 2496-2500. Olympic strip of 5 on #12 env., hand painted, 12 of only 47, Pugh. $28.00 |
 2443. Beach Umbrella combo on 7½" env, Gill Craft. SOLD?
Left: same cachet by Julian Pugh on a #10 envelope for $25.00
 2496. Jesse Owens, 1992 Olympics, Pugh. Set of 5 for $80.00 |
 2497. Ray Ewry, 1992 Olympics, Pugh. Set of 5 for $80.00 |
 2498. Hazel Wightman, 1992 Olympics, Pugh. Set of 5 for $80.00 |
 2499. Eddie Eagan, 1992 Olympics, Pugh. Set of 5 for $80.00 |
 2500. Helene Madison, Pugh. Set of 5 for $80.00 |
 2496. Jesse Owens, Gill Craft. Set of 5 SOLD |
 2497. Ray Ewry, Gill Craft. Set of 5 SOLD |
 2498. Hazel Wightman, Gill Craft. Set of 5 SOLD |
 2499. Eddie Eagan, Gill Craft. Set of 5 SOLD |
 2500. Helene Madison, Gill Craft. Set of 5 SOLD |
 2484-85. Both Wood Duck varieties, Pugh. $12.00 |
 2501. Assinboine headdress, Gill Craft. Set of 5 for $22.00 |
 2502. Cheyenne headdress, Gill Craft. Set of 5 for $22.00 |
 2503. Comanche headdress, Gill Craft. Set of 5 for $22.00 |
 2504. Flathead headdress, Gill Craft. Set of 5 for $22.00 |
 2505. Shoshone headdress, Gill Craft. Set of 5 for $22.00 |
 2501. Assinboine headdress, Pugh. Set of 5 for $75.00 |
 2502. Cheyenne headdress, Pugh. Set of 5 for $75.00 |
 2503. Comanche headdress, Pugh. Set of 5 for $75.00 |
 2504. Flathead headdress, Pugh. Set of 5 for $75.00 |
 2505. Shoshone headdress, Pugh. Set of 5 for $75.00 |
 2506-07. Triple FDC: US, Micronesia, Marshall Isl, #10 env, Gill Craft. SOLD |
 2506-07. Triple FDC: US, Micronesia, Marshall Isl, #10 env, Pugh. SOLD |
 2506-07. Triple FDC: US, Micronesia, Marshall Isl, 7½" env, Farnum. SOLD |
The Sea Creatures dual issue with Russia was very popular and today it is extremely difficult to find FDCs with both the US and Russia stamps and cancels. |
 2508. Killer whale, US-Russia, Artmaster. Set of 4: $18.00 |
 2509. Sea Lion, US-Russia, Artmaster. Set of 4: $18.00 |
 2510. Sea Otter, US-Russia, Artmaster. Set of 4: $18.00 |
 2511. Dolphin, US-Russia, Artmaster. Set of 4: $18.00 |
 2508. Killer whale, US-Russia, Gill Craft. Set of 4: SOLD |
 2509. Sea Lion, US-Russia, Gill Craft. Set of 4: SOLD |
 2510. Sea Otter, US-Russia, Gill Craft. Set of 4: SOLD |
 2511. Dolphin, US-Russia, Gill Craft. Set of 4: SOLD |
 2508-11. Block of Sea Creatures, Pugh. SOLD |
Note that the Pugh cachet design is actually a continuous scene (but stamps not in Scott no. order). The art was done by the noted artist, Kendall Bevel. |
 2510. Sea Otter, US-Russia, Pugh. Set of 4: $115.00 |
 2509. Sea Lion, US-Russia, Pugh. Set of 4: $115.00 |
 2511. Dolphin, US-Russia, Pugh. Set of 4: $115.00 |
 2508. Killer whale, US-Russia, Pugh. Set of 4: $115.00 |
 2512. America: Grand Canyon, Gill Craft. $4.50 |
 2512. America: Grand Canyon, Pugh. $8.00 |
 2513. Eisenhower, combo, Gill Craft. SOLD |
 2513. Eisenhower, KMC Venture. SOLD |
 2513. Eisenhower, hand painted, combo, Goldberg. SOLD |
 2513. Ike FDC, M.J. Huss repro cachet by Ahl. $3.50 |
 2513. Same with plate block no. Only 12 made, Ahl. $5.00 |
 2513. Same with selvage tab. Only 12 made, Ahl. $4.00 |
 2513. Same with UO Normandy Beach FDC, Sc 2838c. $6.00 |
 2513. Same with add-on West Point FDC, Sc 3160. $6.00 |
 2513. Same with add-on WWII Memorial FDC, Sc 3862, Ahl. $5.00 |
 2513. Eisehhower, Unofficial First Day cancel from Denison, TX, Pugh. $26.00 |
 2513. Eisehhower, maxi card, Unofficial First Day cancel from Denison, TX, Pugh. $26.00 |
 2514. Xmas Antonello Madonna, Coast Guard 200th Anniv, by hand, McNatt. $10.00 |
 2514. Antonello Madonna, Pugh. $16.00 |
 2514b. 3 from booklet plus cover, Gill Craft. $6.00 |
 2516. 3 from booklet plus cover, Gill Craft. $6.00 |
 2514-15. Christmas stamps, Karen's. SOLD |
 2514-14b-15-16. All 4 Christmas stamps, Gill Craft. $6.00 |
 2515-16. Two UO cancels, Pugh. $16.00 |
2515. Picture postcard produced by Mike Roberts, published by Santa's Workshop, Unofficial city First Day cancel from North Pole, CO. #33 of 58 made by Julian Pugh. $15.00. |
FDCs from 1989 |
FDCs from 1991
Page last updated