1094. 4¢ 48-star Flag, Artcraft. $2.00 |
 1132. 4¢ 49-star Flag, Artcraft. $2.00 |
 1153. 50-star flag combo, rare Boerger color variety. $7.00 |
 1208. 5¢ flag combo, Artcraft. $3.00, Single $1.25 |
 1208-2114, 15, 16. 1963 issue dual FDC with 1985 issue. $3.00 |
 1208a. 5¢ flag tagged. Scarce! Leon Alpert cachet. $30.00 |
 1209. 1¢ Andrew Jackson. Artcraft. $1.50 |
 1209a. 1¢ Andrew Jackson. Tagged. $15.00 |
 1213. 5¢ Washington. Artcraft. $1.50 |
 1213a. Booklet pane of 6. Artcraft. $3.00 |
 1213a. Booklet pane of 6. Fleetwood. $3.00 |
 1213b. 5¢ Washington tagged. Boerger. $35.00 |
 1213a, b, c. Tagged. Artcraft. $40.00 |
 1225. 1¢ Andrew Jackson coil. Artcraft. $1.50 |
 1225. Kolor Kover, line coil. $6.00 |
 1225A. Jackson, Tagged, with 1036, 1229, 1282. $35.00 |
 1229. 5¢ Washington. Artcraft. $1.50 |
 1229. Line pair. Fleetwood. $2.50 |
 1338. 6¢ flag w/1208. Fleetwood. $1.75 Artcraft addressed 75¢ |
 1338A. 6¢ coil, Cover Craft. $2.00 |
 1338A. 6¢ coil pair, Artcraft. $1.50 |
 1338A-2115. 6¢ coil pr, w/1985 coil. $2.50 |
 1338D. 6¢ flag tagged, Cover Craft. $2.50 |
 1338D. 6¢ flag tagged, Artcraft. $1.75 |
 1338F. 8¢ flag, Cover Craft. $2.50 |
 1338G. 8¢ coil, Cover Craft. SOLD |
 1338G. 8¢ coil pair, Artcraft. $1.50 |
 1509. 10¢ flag, Cover Craft. $2.00 |
 1509. 10¢ flag, Artcraft. SOLD |
 1510. 10¢ Jefferson Mem., Artcraft. SOLD |
 1510. Jefferson Mem., Cover Craft. $2.50 |
 1510b. Booklet pane of 5, Artcraft. SOLD |
 1510b. Pane of 5, Cover Craft. SOLD |
 1510c. Booklet pane of 8, Artcraft. SOLD |
 1510d. Booklet pane of 6, Artcraft. SOLD |
 1510d. Pane of 6, Cover Craft. $5.00 |
 1511. 10¢ Zip Code system, Artcraft. SOLD |
 1518. 6.3¢ Liberty Bell coil, Artcraft. $1.25 |
 1518. 6.3¢ Bell coil, Fleetwood. $2.00 |
 1518a. 6.3¢ Precancel, Artcraft. $3.00 |
 1519. 10¢ flag coil, Cover Craft. $2.00 |
 1519. 10¢ line pair, Artcraft. SOLD |
 1520. Coil, line pair, Artcraft. $3.00 |
 1520. Coil single, Cover Craft. $3.00 |
 1622. 13¢ flag, Artcraft. $1.50 |
 1622. 13¢ flag combo, Artmaster. $2.50 |
These next two FDCs are unusual. They are booklet panes with 7 of the 18¢ Flag stamp issued Nov 1975. These were the only stamps issued for the Dec 28, 1975 rate change that were not part of the Americana series. The 9¢ Americana stamp is included in the pane so the value would total $1.00 for vending machine use. |
 1623a. 13¢ & 9¢ Booklet pane of 8, Artcraft. SOLD |
 1623a. 13¢ & 9¢ Booklet pane of 8, Bazaar. $25.00 |
 1625. 13¢ flag coil, Cover Craft. $2.50 |
 1625. 13¢ flag coil, Cover Craft. $1.50 |
 1734. Amer Indian, Wyoming Museum. $12.00 |
 1734. Amer Indian, Artcraft. $1.25 |
 1735. "A" (15¢) stamp, Artcraft. $1.00 |
 1735. "A" stamp combo, Artmaster. $2.00 |
 1736a. "A" stamp. pane of 8, Aristocrat. $4.50 |
 1736a. "A" stamp. pane of 8, Artcraft. $2.50 |
 1743. "A" stamp colil pair, Artcraft. $1.25 |
 1737a. Roses pane of 8, Artcraft. $2.50 |
 1738-42. Windmills booklet pane, Artcraft. $5.00 |
 1738. Windmill booklet single, DRC. $4.00 |
 1738. Windmills, Colorano. Set of 5 for $10.00 |
 1739. Windmills, Colorano. Set of 5 for $10.00 |
 1740. Windmills, Colorano. Set of 5 for $10.00 |
 1741. Windmills, Colorano. Set of 5 for $10.00 |
 1742. Windmills, Colorano. Set of 5 for $10.00 |
 1818. 'B' (18¢) stamp, Artcraft. $1.00 |
 1818. 'B' (18¢) stamp, Tudor House. $3.00 |
 1819. 'B' full pane, Aristocrat. $5.00 |
 1820. 'B' (18¢) coil, Gill Craft. $2.50 |
 1880-89. Wildlife booklet, Artcraft. $3.00 |
 1880-89. Wildlife booklet, Gill Craft. $4.00 |
 1890. 18¢ flag, Artcraft. $1.50 |
 1890-91. 18¢ flag & coil, DRC. $4.00 |
 1891. 18¢ coil pair, Bazaar. $2.00 |
 1891. 18¢ coil pair, Artcraft. $1.50 |
 1893a. 18¢ booklet w/tab, Artcraft. $4.00 |
 1893a. 18¢ booklet, Artcraft. $3.00 |
 1890-91-93. Sheet coil, booklet single, Gill Craft. $4.00 |
 1894. 20¢ flag, Gill Craft. $1.75 |
 1894. 20¢ flag, Artcraft. $1.25 |
 1895. 20¢ flag coil, Gill Craft. $1.75 |
 1895. 20¢ flag coil, Artcraft. $1.25 |
 1896a. 20¢ booklet, Gill Craft. $3.50 |
 1896a. 20¢ booklet, Aristocrat. $4.50 |
 1896b. 20¢ flag pane of 10, Artcraftt. $5.00 |
 1946. "C" (20¢) stamp, Artcraft. $1.00 |
 1946. "C" (20¢) stamp, Gill Craft. $2.00 |
 1947. "C" (20¢) coil, Artcraft. $1.00 |
 1947. "C" (20¢) coil pair, Gill Craft. $2.00 |
 1948a. "C" (20¢) booklet of 10, Gill Craft. $4.00 |
 1946-48. A, B, C all varieties, Artmaster. $6.00 |
 1949. Bighorn sheep booklet pair, Artcraft. $1.00 |
 1949Bighorn sheep booklet single. $4.00 |
 1949. Bighorn sheep booklet pane of 10, Gill Craft. $4.00 |
 2005. Consumer Education, Gill Craft. $2.00 |
 2005. Consumer Education, Artcraft. $1.00 |
 2111. D stamp, sheet, Artcraft. $1.00 |
 2111. Eagle overall, Ahl (1). $10.00 |
 2111. Presstype cachet, Ahl (2). $8.00 |
 2111. Eagle pic, Ahl (3). $8.00 |
 2111, 12, 13. D stamp, Pugh by hand. $18.00 |
 2111. On 1818 FDEC, Gill Craft. $6.00 |
 2112. D stamp, coil pair, Artcraft. $1.25 |
 2113a. D booklet of 10, Artcraft. $5.00 |
 2113. A,B,C,D booklet pairs, Ahl. $6.00 |
 2111, 12, 13. All A, B, C, D, Gill Craft. $10.00 |
 2111, 12, 13a on U607, Gill Craft. $10.00 |
 2114. Flag definitive, Artcraft. $1.00 |
 2114. Flag combo, Gill Craft. $6.00 |
 2114, Flag, 14 of 19, Pugh. $18.00 |
 2115. Flag coil pair, Artcraft. $1.25 |
 2115. Flag coil pair, Fleetwood. $2.00 |
 2115. Flag coil pairs, Gill Craft. $10.00 |
 2116a. Flag booklet of 10, Artcraft. $5.00 |
 2116a. Flag booklet of 10, Gill Craft. $6.50 |
 2115c. Test coil, Artopages. $3.00 |
 2115c, 2115. Test coil, NOJEX. $5.00 |
 2115c, 2115. Test coil, Panda. $6.00 |
 2115c, 2115. Test coil, Pugh. $15.00 |
Outstanding collection of 50+ Test Coil FDCs (Scott 2115c) Click here: Test Coil FDCs |
 2116a, Flag, 14 of 52, Pugh. $20.00 |
 2114, 16. Lots of flags, Label, Ahl. $8.00 |
 2114-16. Flag sheet, bklt, Nakano. SOLD |
Left: 2117-21. All 5 stamps from Seashells booklet pane on two FDCs, Karen's. Pair for $18.00 |
 2121a. Seashells booklet of 10, Artcraft. $5.00 |
 2121a. Seashells booklet of 10, Gill Craft. $6.00 |
 2117-21. 5 Seashells stamps, Gill Craft. $5.00 |
 2117-18. 2 Seashells stamps, Gill Craft. $6.00 |
 2117-21. 3 Seashells stamps, Gill Craft. $6.00 |
 2117-20. 4 Seashells stamps, combo. $5.00 |
 2117. Seashell, stamps, labels, Ahl. $4.50 |
 2118. Seashell, stamps, labels, Ahl. $4.50 |
 2119. Seashell, stamps, labels, Ahl. $4.50 |
 2120. Seashell, stamps, labels, Ahl. $4.50 |
 2121. Seashell, stamps, labels, Ahl (1). $4.50 |
 2121. Seashell, stamps, labels, Ahl (2). $4.50 |
 2149. Wash Monument Artopages. $7.00 |
 2149. Wash Monument on 1894, DRC. SOLD |
 2149, 2149a. Triple, Uncovers. $12.00 |
 2149. Wash Monument Nakano. SOLD |
 2149. Wash Monument Pugh. $20.00 |
 2150. 21.1¢ Zip + 4, Gill Craft. $6.00 |
 2150. 21.1¢ Zip + 4, Artopages. $6.00 |
 2150, 2150a. 21.1¢, Uncovers. $10.00 |
 2150. 21.1¢ humorous, Nakano. SOLD |
 2150. 21.1¢ Zip + 4, Pugh. $22.00 |
 2276. Flag, fireworks, Gill Craft. $6.00 |
 2276. Flag, fireworks, 4 of 7, Pugh. $26.00 |
 2276. Flag, fireworks, Nakano. SOLD |
 2277. E stamp combo, Gill Craft-1. $6.00 |
 2277. E stamp combo, Gill Craft-2. $6.00 |
 2277. E stamp combo, Gamm. $6.00 |
 2277. E stamp, 14 of 98, Pugh. $13.00 |
 2278. Flag and clouds, Gill Craft. $6.00 |
 2278. Flag, clouds, Pugh. $15.00 |
 2279. E coil combo, Gill Craft. $6.00 |
 2279. E coil, plate no. strip of 3, Pugh. $20.00 |
 2280. Flag, Yosemite, Gill Craft. $6.00 |
 2280. Flag, Yosemite, Pugh. $15.00 |
 2280-80a. Flag, reg & pre-phosphored, Gill Craft. $6.00 |
 2280-80a. Flag, reg & pre-phosphored, Pugh. $12.00 |
 2281. Honeybee coil, Gill Craft. $6.00 |
 2281 on U599. Two cachets, JG by Satter, KMC Venture. $20.00 |
 2281. Honeybee coil, Pugh. $12.00 |
 2282. E booklet pane with tab, Pugh. $13.00 |
 2283. Pheasant booklet combo, Gill Craft. $6.00 |
 2283. Pheasant booklet, Pugh. $15.00 |
 2284. Grosbeak booklet combo, Gill Craft. $5.00 |
 2284. Grosbeak, 9 of 10, Early KAH (Keith Harward). $15.00 |
 2285. Owl booklet combo, Gill Craft. $5.00 |
 2285. Owl, 9 of 10, Early KAH (Keith Harward). $15.00 |
 2285. Owl, Rare KAH combo variety. $20.00 |
 2285. Hand colored DRC, 4 of 12. $8.00 |
 2285A. Flag, clouds booklet, Pugh. $12.00 |
 2431. Self-adhesive eagle, VAPEX cancel, Gill Craft-1. $3.00 |
 2431. Self-adhesive eagle, combo, Gill Craft-2. $4.00 |
 2431. Self-adhesive eagle coil, combo, Gill Craft. $5.00 |
 2431a. Coil and booklet pairs, Gill Craft. $4.00 |
 2431. Self-adhesive eagle w/Sc1552, Pugh. $18.00 |
 2431. Self-adhesive eagle, Goldberg. $28.00 |
 2475. ATM plastic stamp, Fleetwood. $2.50 |
 2475. Plastic stamp, Phila UO, rare Law cachet. $12.00 |
 2475. ATM plastic stamp, Panda. $3.00 |
 2475. ATM plastic stamp, KMC Venture. $3.50 |
 2475. ATM stamp combo, Gill Craft. $5.00 |
 2475. Handmade, 10 of only 35, Anagram. $12.00 |
 2475. ATM plastic stamp, Pugh. $13.00 |
 2475. USCGC Polar Sea cancel, Puget Sound Chap. $10.00 |
 2475. Sea-First Sta cancel, Puget Sound Chap USCS. $10.00 |
 2476. Kestrel combo, Gill Craft. $5.00 |
 2477. Bluebird combo, Gill Craft. $5.00 |
 2476. Black Hawk UO, Pugh. $15.00 |
 2477. TOPEX Aurora, CO UO, Pugh. $13.00 |
 2480. Red Feather Lake UO, Pugh. $13 |
 2480. Cardinal combo, Gill Craft. $5.00 |
 2479. Fawn combo, Gill Craft. $5.00 |
 2479. 19¢ Fawn airbrush, Pugh. $12.00 |
 2484-85. Wood duck, red & black, Gill Craft. $5.00 |
 2484-85. Wood duck red & black, Pugh. $28.00 |
 2484-85. Wood ducks pair, Karen's. $12.00 |
 2517. F, tulip combo, Gill Craft. $5.00 |
 2517. F, tulip, 40 of 92, Goldberg. $14.00 |
 2518. F, tulip coil, Gill Craft. $5.00 |
 2519. F, pane of 10, Pugh. $11.00 |
 2520. F, tulip booklet, Gill Craft. $5.00 |
 2517-18-20. F, sheet, coil, booklet, Gill Craft. $5.00 |
 2517-24. F & 29¢ stamps, Gill Craft. $5.00 |
 2518-25. F & 29¢ coils, Gill Craft. $5.00 |
 2521. Makeup rate (4¢) stamp, Gill Craft. $5.00 |
 2521. Makeup rate stamp, Pugh. $10.00 |
 2522. ATM F stamp self-adhesive, Gill Craft. $5.00 |
 2522. ATM F stamp self-adhesive, Pugh. $11.00 |
 2523. Flag Mt Rushmore, Gill Craft. $5.00 |
 2523. Flag Mt Rushmore, Pugh. $12.00 |
 2523A. Gravure printing, Gill Craft. $5.00 |
 2523A. Gravure, 6 of only 10, Pugh. $25.00 |
 2524. 29¢ tulip, sheet stamp, Pugh. $10.00 |
 2525. 29¢ tulip coil, Pugh. $18.00 |
 2527. 29¢ tulip, bklt, Artmaster. $1.50 |
 2527. 29¢ tulip, bklt, Farnum. $2.00 |
 2527. 29¢ tulip, bklt, Cover Craft. $2.50 |
 2527. With booklet cover, Gill Craft. $3.50 |
 2528. Flag, Olympics bklt, Gill Craft. $5.00 |
 2529. Rowboat 19¢ coil, Gill Craft. $5.00 |
 2529. Rowboat coil pair, Pugh. $20.00 |
 2530. Ballooning 19¢ stamp, Gill Craft. $5.00 |
 2530. Ballooning, on postcard, Pugh. $11.00 |
 2531. Flags on parade, Gill Craft. $4.50 |
 2531. Flags, UO Old Glory, Pugh. $13.00 |
 2531A. Statue of Liberty torch, Gill Craft. $4.50 |
 2531A. Liberty torch self-adhesive, Pugh. $13.00 |
 2595-96-97. Eagle & Shield, 3 printers, KMC Venture. $3.00 |
 2602. Eagle shield bulk rate coil, strip of 3, Pugh. $16.00 |
 2603-04. On postcard, no cachet. $1.00 |
 2605. 23¢ Presort First Class stamp, Pugh. $13.00 |
 3471. Eagle, Collins hand painted. $12.00 |
 3471. Eagle, Collins hand painted. $12.00 |
 3522. Woody wagon, Homespun hand made, 20 of 25. $10.00 |
 Autopost Labels, First day of use in Wash, DC (8/23/89) & Kensington, MD (9/1/89), KMC Venture. $12.00 |
 Autopost Labels, First day of use in Wash, DC (8/23/89) & Kensington, MD (9/1/89), Philaspec. Only 10 made! $25.00 |
 Experimental variable rate coil stamps, 8/20/92. KMC Venture. $12.00 |
 Variable rate coils, all values 1-18¢ Anagram, only 25 made. $100.00 |