Hand painted FDCs by Bernard Goldberg ~ 1983-1994
On this page you will find 183 First Day Covers and event covers hand painted by Bernard (Bill) Goldberg. They include commemoratives, regular issues, Federal duck stamps, airmails, sporting events, and inauguration covers, many with multiple cancels and combos. The black portion of the cachet is thermographed onto the envelope and the colors hand painted, often with vivid metallic gold and silver. They are all limited editions of between 25 and 145. Covers are listed by Scott number and also Goldberg number (when known) as "GB48".
Please order by cover number. Goldberg covers are sold mainly at cover auctions and are generally not stocked by dealers. At recent McCusker auctions, prices ranged from $60 to $300 and higher. My prices here are way under typical auction prices. All covers will be sent by first class or Priority Mail. You, the buyer, pay only the exact postage plus 50c per order for packaging and handling.
To make sure you get what you want, e-mail me at SwapMeetDave@aol.com and I'll set aside the items you want and ship them upon receipt of your check or money order. I also accept Pay Pal (pay to my account: SwapMeetDave@aol.com). Send your order with payment to David Ahl, 12 Indian Head Road, Morristown, NJ 07960. Thank you!
Click on any image to see the cover full size. To order, specify Goldberg cover and Scott number.
10% Discount on 10 or more similarly-priced covers!
 1856. Sinclair Lewis, GB47. SOLD |
 1863. John Audubon, GB51. SOLD |
 1869. Chester Nimitz combo. SOLD |
 2045. Medal of Honor, GB19. SOLD |
 2110. Jerome Kern, GB46. $22.00 |
 2122. $10.75 Express Mail, GB52. SOLD |
 2137. Mary Bethune, GB48. SOLD |
 2138-41. Duck decoys block, GB50. SOLD |
 2145. Ameripex dual FDC. $48.00 |
 2147. Frederic Bartholdi, GB56. SOLD |
 2154. WWI Vets, two UO cancels, #19 of 26, GB57B. $36.00 |
 2154. WWI Vets with UO cancel, #10 of 23, GB57A. $36.00 |
 2154. WWI Vets, three DC area UO cancels, #20 of 25, #10 env, GB57C. $75.00 |
 2155-58. Horses block, GB59. SOLD |
 2160-63. Youth block, GB60. SOLD |
 2165-66. Christmas dual, GB61. SOLD |
 2172. Hugo Black combo, GB66. SOLD |
 2173. Luis Marin, GB143. SOLD |
 2175. 10¢ Red Cloud, #40 of 50, GB92. SOLD |
 2176. 14¢ Julia Ward Howe, GB81. SOLD |
 2177. 15¢ Buffalo Bill Cody, GB109. SOLD |
 2182. 25¢ Jack London, GB62. $22.00 |
 2183. 28¢ Sitting Bull, GB137. SOLD |
 2185. 29¢ Thomas Jefferson, 55 of 77. SOLD |
 2187. 40¢ Claire Chennault, GB150. SOLD |
 2189. 52¢ Hubert Humphrey, GB157. $20.00 |
 2191. 65¢ 'Hap' Arnold, GB120. SOLD |
 2193. $1 Bernard Revel, GB76. SOLD |
 2194. $1 Johns Hopkins, GB130. SOLD |
 2195. $2 W.J. Bryan, GB68. SOLD |
 2196. $5 Bret Harte, GB90. SOLD |
 2203. Sojourner Truth, GB63. SOLD |
 2204. Texas 150th anniv, GB67. SOLD |
 2204. Texas Sesquicentennial combo, #30 of 37, #10 env, GB67A. $60.00 |
 2205-09. Atlantic Cod booklet pane, GB69. SOLD |
 2211. Duke Ellington combo, GB70. SOLD |
 2220-23. Arctic Polar Explorers, GB72. SOLD |
 2224. Statue of Liberty, GB74. SOLD |
 2224. Statue of Liberty interesting earlier cancel, #25 of 30, #10 env, GB74B. $75.00 |
 2244-45. Christmas dual, GB77. SOLD |
 2246. Michigan statehood. SOLD |
 2247. Pan Am Games, GB80. $15.00 |
 2249. Jean DuSable, GB82. SOLD |
 2250. Enrico Caruso, GB83. $18.00 |
 2251. Girl Scouts, GB85. SOLD |
 2336. Delaware joins union, GB88. SOLD |
 2337. Pennsylvania, GB91. $18.00 |
 2338. New Jersey, GB92. SOLD |
 2339. Georgia joins union, GB98. $18.00 |
 2340. Connecticut, GB99. SOLD |
 2341. Massachusetts, GB104. $18.00 |
 2342. Maryland joins union, GB105. SOLD |
 2343. South Carolina, GB108. $18.00 |
 2344. New Hampshire, GB111. $18.00 |
 2345. Virginia joins union, GB113. SOLD |
 2346. New York joins union, GB115. SOLD |
 2347. North Carolina, GB135. $18.00 |
 2348. Rhode Island, GB146. $18.00 |
 2350. Wm Faulkner, GB89. SOLD |
 2359. Constitution booklet, GB93. SOLD |
 2360. Constitution, GB95. SOLD |
 2367-68. Christmas dual, GB96. SOLD |
 2369. '88 Olympics, GB100. SOLD |
 2371. J.W. Johnson, GB102. SOLD |
 2372-75. Cats block, GB103. $26.00 |
 2376. Knute Rockne, GB106. $35.00 |
 2377. Francis Ouimet, GB110. SOLD |
 2380. Summer Olympics. SOLD |
 2386-89. Antarctic Explorers, #40 of 47, GB117A. $75.00 |
 2386-89. Antarctic Explorers, GB 117. SOLD |
 2394. $8.75 Express Mail, GB118. SOLD |
 2402. A. Philip Randolph, GB124. SOLD |
 2410, 2433. World Stamp Expo, single (March) + Souvenir Sheet (Nov), GB139. $75.00 |
 2410. World Stamp Expo, GB125. SOLD |
 2411. Arturo Toscanini, GB126. SOLD |
 2412. House of Representatives, GB127. $18.00 |
 2413. U.S. Senate, GB 128. $18.00 |
 2414. Executive Branch, GB129. $18.00 |
 2415. Supreme Court combo, #40 of 49, GB142A. $25.00 |
 2417. Lou Gehrig, GB131. SOLD |
 2419. $2.40 Priority Mail, Moon Landing, GB133. SOLD |
 2431. Eagle self-adhesive, GB138. $15.00 |
 2420. Letter Carriers combo, earlier cancel, dual UO, #40 of 44, GB136. $60.00 |
 2442. Ida Wells, GB141. SOLD |
 2445-48. Classic Films block combo, triple UO, #40 of 48, GB144A. SOLD |
 2445-48. Classic Films block, GB144. $15.00 |
 2468. Seaplane coil, GB145. SOLD |
 2468. Seaplane PNC, GB145A. SOLD |
 2482. $2 Bobcat, GB147. SOLD |
 2484. Wood Duck, GB154. SOLD |
 2496-2500. Olympians, 5 stamps, GB149. SOLD |
 2513. Eisenhower, GB151. SOLD |
 2517. F Tulip stamp, GB152. $14.00 |
 2534. Savings Bonds, GB155. SOLD |
 2538. William Saroyan, GB156. SOLD |
 2541. $9.95 Express Mail, GB159. SOLD |
 2542. $14 Express Mail, GB160. SOLD |
 2550. Cole Porter, GB158. SOLD |
 2558. Numistmatics, GB161. SOLD |
 2559. 1991 WWII sheetlet of 10, GB165. $75.00 |
 2560. Basketball combo, 'Magic" Johnson, GB162. $75.00 |
 2562-66. Comedians, set of 5 stamps, GB163. SOLD |
 2567. Jan Matzeliger, GB166. SOLD |
 2595-97. 3 Eagle self-adhesives, GB175. SOLD |
 2616. Columbian Stamp Expo on U349, GB167B. SOLD |
 2617. W.E.B. DuBois, GB168. SOLD |
 2619. Olympic Baseball, GB170. SOLD |
 2620-23. Columbus block of 4, #40 of 41, GB171. SOLD |
 2697. 1992 WWII sheetlet of 10, GB165. $75.00 |
 2704. Juan R. Cabrillo, GB176. $50.00 |
 2704. Juan Cabrillo for AFDCS, GB176. $12.00 |
 2721. Elvis Presley, GB178. SOLD |
 2724-30. Rock n roll music, 7 stamps. $50.00 |
 2746. Percy Julian, GB179. SOLD |
 2749. Grace Kelly w/Monaco first day cancel. SOLD |
 2755. Dean Acheson, #13 of 24. $15.00 |
 2765. 1993 WWII sheetlet of 10, GB186A. SOLD |
 2766. Joe Lewis, 1 of 6 with tab. SOLD |
 2806. AIDS Awareness. SOLD |
 2812. Edward R. Murrow. $40.00 |
 2816. Allison Davis, #40 of 50. SOLD |
 2819-28. Silent Screen sheetlet of 10, #51 of 60. $45.00 |
 2955. Nixon for AFDCS. SOLD |
 3393-96. Distinguished soldiers for AFDCS. SOLD |
 3394. Omar Bradley for AFDCS, combo. SOLD |
 3420. Gen Joseph W. Stilwell for AFDCS. SOLD |
 C119. Igor Sikorsky, GB112. SOLD |
 C118. Samuel Langley, triple with Mach II flight cancel on back (see scan). SOLD |
 Reagan Inauguration, GB45. SOLD |
 GHW Bush Inaug, GB123. SOLD |
 Clinton Inauguration. SOLD |
 RW52. 1985 Federal Duck stamp, GB55B. SOLD |
 RW53. 1986 Federal Duck stamp, GB73. SOLD |
 RW54. 1987 Federal Duck stamp, GB87. SOLD |
 RW55. 1988 Federal Duck stamp, GB114. SOLD |
 RW56. 1989 Federal Duck stamp, GB132. SOLD |
 RW57. 1990 Federal Duck, GB148. SOLD |
 RW58. 1991 Federal Duck stamp. SOLD |
 RW59. 1992 Federal Duck stamp. SOLD |
 RW60. 1993 Federal Duck stamp. SOLD |
 RW61. 1994 Federal Duck stamp. SOLD |
 RW52 & 2138-41. Dual duck decoy and Federal Duck FDC, #30 of 34. Rare! SOLD |
 Pete Rose home run record, GB58. SOLD |
 Tris Speaker, baseball great, GB86. SOLD |
 Roberto Clemente, baseball great, GB42B. SOLD |
 Superbowl 20, GB64. SOLD |
 Superbowl 21, GB78. SOLD |
 Superbowl 22, GB101. SOLD |
 Superbowl 24. SOLD |
 Superbowl 25. SOLD |
 Superbowl 26. SOLD |
 Superbowl 27. $30.00 |
 Superbowl 28. SOLD |
 UXC23. Ameripex airmail postcard, GB65. $25.00 |
 UXC23. Ameripex airmail postcard, GB65A. $25.00 |
Page last updated