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Effective Management
It's Not My Department by Peter Glen. Hardcover, 241 pages. Serialized in Success magazine. Glen, a retail consultant, provides numerous examples of the poor service he and others have received from airlines, hotels, hospitals, restaurants, and retail companies across the country. His examples are entertaining, easy to identify with, and right on target. List $16.95, sale $6.95. |
Managerial Literacy by Gary Shaw and Jack Weber. Hardcover, 198 pages. “This book is a must read for executives who are serious about taking charge of their own professional development as well as enhancing learning and managerial effectiveness in their organizations. It is an important, lifelong reference book of words, concepts, and ideas.” J.E. Cleghorn, CEO, Royal Bank of Canada. List $17.95, sale $6.99. |
Maxims of Management by Martin Smith. Hardcover, 182 pages. Subtitled “Working smart to increase profits,” this is a common-sense approach to managment. Not a classroom text at all, but packed with candid, straight-forward ideas. Practical and profitable. List $14.95, sale $5.99. |
Megatrends by John Naisbitt. Hardcover, 290 pages. Subtitled “Ten New Directions Transforming Our Lives,” this book was published in 1982. It stresses the motion from national to global economy, from either/or kinds of choice to multiplicity of choices, from an industrial to an information society, from technology dictating to us to our demanding what we want from it. As one Amazon reviewer said, this book clearly deserves more than five stars for its power and effectiveness in identifying, explaining, and projecting many important trends in American society of the last quarter century. List $15.50, SOLD. |
Peer Benchmarking Groups by Ron Sturgeon. Softcover, 104 pages. Subtitled “One Entrepreneur's Story of Extreme Success.” Why are small businesses that benchmark more profitable than those that don’t? Did you know that on Who Wants to Be a Millionaire contestants get the right answer more often by asking the audience than by calling the smartest person they know? It’s true. No matter how smart you are in running your small business, you can benefit from tapping the collective wisdom of business owners within your industry. Ron shows you how. List $19.95, sale $5.99. |
Pawnshop Chronicles by Jack E. Rosen. Hardcover, 155 pages. Subtitled “Street Wisdom for the Business World,” this is a unique business book. It is filled with quirky stories from a pawnshop combined with solid, forceful business lessons that apply to almost every industry. It uses entertaining anecdotes from a rarely seen business to draw important lessons about customer service, messaging, planning, the real value of competition, and more. (Handwritten note on title page.) List $19.95, SOLD. |
Reflections On Creating Learning Organizations edited by Kellie T. Wardman. Softcover, 118 pages. This book, compiled from The Systems Thinker newsletter, is designed to be a catalyst for your own thinking about organizational change. With a strong foundation of theory balanced with case examples, the book will help you understand the latest systems thinking, organizational learning tools, and applications. A valuable and practical new way of seeing things. List $17.95, sale $3.99. |
Computing Strategies for Reengineering Your Organization by Cheryl Currid. Hardcover, 280 pages. Reengineering, i.e., the radical redesign of an entire business system to achieve dramatic improvements in performance is vital today. Using the latest thinking on computers in business, this work provides a map to information technology for reengineering business. It covers such topics as the convergence of business, people, and technology; process vs. functional orientation; mainframe myopia; outsourcing and insourcing; networks; mobile computing; multimedia; groupware; and client-server computing. Currid describes how companies must reengineer not only their computers but also their thinking in order to survive. List $24.95, Sale $3.79. |
Marketing and Market Research
184 Businesses Anyone Can Start and Make a Lot of Money by Chase Revel. Softcover, 378 pages. Presents a primer course on becoming a self-made success. Includes: how to project investment required and profits, special marketing angles, roadblocks to success, and people who have succeeded and how they did it. Businesses discussed include ones in service (58), food (30), retail (33), recreational sports, automotive, manufacturing, tourism, publishing, franchises, and a category he calls, "the unusual" (20). Easy to follw, highly informative, thoroughly researched. List $10.95, sale $2.99. |
Make Money Moonlighting by John R. Mortz. Softcover, 122 pages. Subtitled “The 4 Best Ways to Earn Money With Your Computer and the 4 Traps to Avoid,” the step-by-step ideas in this little book show you how to turn your computer hobby into a real business. Mortz discusses real proven markets, how to collect information, how to check out your competitors, things that seem attractive but aren't, how to get experience, how to set your price, how to get distribution, skills you need. Easy reading and practical. List $14.95, sale $1.99. |
Direct Marketing Success: What Works and Why by Freeman Gosden, Jr. Softcover, 225 pages. Why some lists do better than others. Why you can't guess response rates. Why long letters work. Principles and techniques of effective direct mail. It worked for me--DHA! List $12.95, SOLD
Cheap But Good Marketing Research by Alan Andreasen. Hardcover, 281 pages. Market research does not have to be expensive, overly complex, or packed with statistics to be effective in your decision making. Here's how to make every dollar spent on market research pay off in your business. List $29.95, SOLD
The Consultant's Guide to Newsletter Profits by Herman Holtz, Hardcover, 256 pages. Book describes how an effective newsletter can win new clients and generate a steady source of income for independent consultants (or anyone else, for that matter). It answers questions on how to price your newsletter, estimating production costs, projecting income, determining format and content, gathering article and feature information, and establishing circulation. With lots of examples. List $19.95, sale $9.95. |
Effective Writing, Business Communication, Reference Books
Business Communication by R Huseman, J Lahiff, J Penrose, J Hatfield. Hardcover, 638 pages. Just as individuals and organizations are affected by change, communication practices are similarly influenced. Over time, some organizations made smooth transitions to change, but others did not. The objective of this book is to present timely and relevant information to directly help readers in improving their communication in all areas: written, visual, oral, and listening! A BIG comprehensive practical book. List $34.95, sale $7.95. |
Business English by Donald Publishing Co. Staff. Softcover, 174 pages. An indispensable key to advancement and success in the world of business is the ability to use correct English. This book gives you clear, complete explanations of the grammatical principles that govern the writing of correct English. Sentence construction, capitalization, possessive pronouns, verbs, comparison of adjectives, and a complete guide to punctuation. Plus 54 exercises to hone your skills. List $4.95, sale $1.98. |
Executive's Guide to Effective Speaking and Writing by Frederick C. Dyer. Hardcover, 240 pages. Presents a step-by-step, proven method for increasing the power and effectiveness of everything you write and say. This book is for the executive who wants to sharpen and polish his communication skills for faster advancement and increased efficiency. 10 chapters on speaking; 12 chapters on writing. Written in 1962 but still useful today. Sale $2.69. |
Technical Communication by George Harwell (Duke Univ). Hardcover, 332 pages. How to write technical material effectively, elements of good writing, organization of material, methods of exposition, business letters, reports (general matters, formal, informal), articles for publication, oral communication, and illustrative material. Includes a 60-page manual of general composition. An older book (1960), but still very helpful. Sale $2.69. |
Infomaniacs by Joseph Casciato & Robert Vaas. Softcover, 142 pages. Subtitled “A brown paper bag view of information interaction in corporate America.” A humorous look at corporate communication in words and drawings. The authors tackle business bugbears like jargon and information overload, offer practical suggestiions on how to improve things, and sprinkle the whole liberally with quotes and cartoons. List $9.95, sale $2.69. |
The Only 250 Letters and Memos Managers Will Ever Need by Rom Tepper. Hardcover, 278 pages. Writing good memos and letters is a lost art, which plagues many businesspeople. However, it doesn't have to plague you. Using a simple, four-step formula, the author guides you through the proper steps to effective writing, making it a quick and painless procedure. There are sample letters and memos from 18 companies (all anonymous to protect confidentiality) that adhere to good letter/memo writing practices and utilize the four-step process. List $79.95, sale $6.98. |
Brief English Handbook by Edward Dornan & Charles Dawe. Softcover, 484 pages. his easy–to–use handbook features full–length coverage of composition basics in a concise and user–friendly format. Provides complete, authoritative coverage of the writing process, research and grammar, with detailed discussions of critical thinking and argument, using computers and the Internet for writing and research, the latest guidelines for citing sources correctly in MLA and APA styles, and writing for the workplace. For anyone needing a reference geared to writing and/or researching papers. SOLD |
Proofreading in the Word Processing Age by Jack Friedberg. Softcover, 140 pages. Written by an experienced proofreader, this book contains advice, helpful hints, and shortcuts to effective proofreading. It will NOT turn you into an instant expert in spelling, grammar, punctuation or hyphenation (there are reference books for that). Has 11 chapters on all aspects of proofreading (with illustrations of marks) plus an extensive 27-page glossary of terms and 26-page index. SOLD |
The Reporter's Handbook edited by John Ullman & Steve Honeyman. Softcover, 504 pages. Subtitled “An Investigator's Guide to Documents and Techniques,” the book is intended to train journalism students and beginners to find out how things work, find and use the wealth of information on the public record, and how to investigate any topic in depth. How to get background on politicians, professionals, businesses, and institutions. How to use the FOIA. Land holdings, courts, law enforcement, taxes, schools, much more. Loads of examples. Great stuff here! List $20.00, sale $10.95. |
NY Times Guide to Reference Material by Mona McCormick. Hardcover, 242 pages. This book guides you through the hundreds of sources a library has to offer, helping you with catalogs, indexes, classification systems, and many types of references. And it covers on-line sources: catalogs and databases. Also discusses whether or not to believe what you're reading, which is what sets this book apart from others like it. This is the book to look up FIRST. List $18.95, sale $1.99. |
Reverse Dictionary by Theodore M. Bernstein. Hardcover, 276 pages. Not a list of words, but an alphabetical array of meanings that lead you to words you couldn't quite remember (or never knew). A fail-safe guide for the bewildered groper, who knows what he wants to say but he can't put his finger on the right word. Don't lose sleep trying to think of the right word -- use this indispensable desk book -- it's helpful beyond what you can imagine. Sale SOLD. |
Graphics & Desktop Publishing
Looking Good in Print by Roger C. Parker, Ventana Press. Softcover, 371 pages. With more than a millions copies sold, this book has become a classic and is recognized as the definitive work in its category. Includes information on service bureaus, color and printing, color lasers, new technologies, and much more. The New York Times says, “If you can afford only one book on desktop publishing, this is the one.” MacWEEK says, “A graphic design primer for anyone who wants to design better-looking...desktop-published printed material.” From PC Week, “... an excellent and valuable resource.” List $23.95,SOLD. |
The Makeover Book by Roger C. Parker, Ventana Press. Softcover, 282 pages. Here are 101 before and after examples of how you can put basic design principles to work to make your documents more attractive and persuasive. Examples of newsletters, ads, brochures, flyers, letterhead, charts, catalogs, reports, resumes, surveys, and more. (Not computer or software specific--as useful now as the day it was published.) List $17.95, SOLD. |
Artists' and Illustrators' Encyclopedia by John Quick. Hardcover, 273 pages. Here in a single, comprehensive volume are all the methods and materials commonly used today in commercial and fine art, photography, the graphic arts, and printing. A compendium of every key technique that produces a graphic or visual end product. An older book, but still useful. SOLD |
The Best in Covers assembled by Nicholas Polites. First in The Print Casebook series. Hardcover, large format, 96 pages. This book contains 90 superb magazine, book, and record album covers, along with valuable supplemental visual material. Featured covers were chosen by a juried competition. They are all shown large, one to a page, many in full color, with a complete explanation of each. Sale $3.95. |
Graphic Communication '80s by Edward Gottschall. Hardcover, large format, 230 pages. A book for anyone involved in graphic communication—writers, editors, artists, designers, administrators, managers, staffers, students, educators, printers.... The book is loaded with new information, yes, some a bit dated, but fundamentally sound and useful. With 19 chapters, introduction, and glossary, this is a very comprehensive book. SOLD. |
Guide to Desktop Publishing in Business by Bruce McKenzie. Softcover, 220 pages. A comprehensive reference book with 367 illustrations (many in color) on desktop publishing especially for businesspeople. It will help you create more professional-looking publications quickly and easily. Covers type fonts, charts and tables, how to use color, and an entire section on paper including samples bound into the book. List $24.95, SOLD. |
The Complete Scanner Handbook for Desktop Publishing - PC Edition by David Busch. Softcover, 400 pages. Scanners have quickly become essential additions to desktop publishing systems, and this valuable resource allows desktop publishers to get the most from their hardware/software mix. Includes specific tips for using popular desktop publishing programs and scanners more effectively. (Autographed by author) List $24.95, SOLD. |
Designer's Guide to Typography multiple authors. Softcover, 210 pages, full color throughout. In the “Step-by-Step Graphics” series, this book/magazine has 30 lavishly-illustrated articles by well-known people in the field of design, corporate graphics, advertising, typography, and publications. Each article will give you dozens of ideas for your publications. Seldom available. List $19.50, SOLD. |
TYPE Style by Daniel Will-Harris, Peachpit Press. Softcover, 340 pages, large format. A huge easy-to-use how-to book of time-honored principles to help you communicate more forcefully and persuasively: choosing and combining typefaces, making pages easier to read, creating the desired atmosphere and mood, avoiding ugly and embarrassing mistakes. This book is hard to find becasue it is such a valuable and timeless reference. List $24.95, sale $9.95. |
Book of American Types by American Type Founders, 1934. Hardcover, 207 pages. This historic reference book has type specimens of 330 classic type fonts. The 20's and 30's were a period of great experimentation in typography and a major break with what we now consider the outmoded typefaces of 1800s and earlier. Many of the fonts in widespread use today first appeared in this historic reference. This rare book is in absolutely pristine condition and can be yours for only SOLD. |
Handbook for Color Printing by Irvin Borowsky, North American Publishing. Spiral bound, large format, 64 heavy pages. An incredibly valuable reference for printing anything in color. Each 2-page spread has 56 panels that show one basic color (process color or Pantone color) combined with white and black in 10% steps. Black, white (dropout), and color type are overprinted on each panel. Example: page 6, panel 23 shows 40% black + 60% cyan with printing on it in black, white, 100% cyan, and 60% cyan. 12 additional panels on each spread show halftones with varying percentages of black and color. All of these references are printed on coated stock, uncoated stock, newsprint, and selected ones on colored stock; there are also six spreads of combinations of two colors. A vital reference. List $24.50, SOLD. |
Dramatic Color by Overprinting by Donald Cooke, North American Publishing. Large format, 250 heavy pages. A complete guidebook in the art of printing techniques employing transparent inks in multiple combinations. Illustrated with 495 three- and four-color groupings of eleven basic inks, plus 55 pages of pictorial application of the mediuum. A 13-page section describes in depth the fundamentals of color printing, color multiples, tools for overprinting, color charts, registration, Bourges sheets, solid-color separations, and Flexography. Nothing else like it, an unequaled reference, yours for only $95.00. SOLD |
Process Color Reference by Graftek Press. Spiral bound, 90 pages. Invaluable reference book shows all possible combinations of process colors plus black in 10% steps on three different stocks. Three sections: first shows yellow, red, and blue; second shows yellow, red, and black; third shows yellow, blue, and black. Paper weights are 70 lb. coated (cover), 55 lb. offset (office printing), and 45 lb. coated (magazine pages). The book is well used, but all pages are intact. SOLD |
Still using Word Perfect? So am I. And these three outstanding books will help you get the most out of it for desktop publishing—with style. I'm sure you know that Word Perfect is much easier to use than Microsoft Word and these three books will show you how to create beautiful newsletters, reports, letters, forms, catalogs, invitations, and brochures. List price of all three is over $67.00 but you can have all three for SOLD Wow! |
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