More of Ahl’s Funny Photos &
Crazy Cartoons! NO pop-up ads!
Continuing in the traditon of my first page of bizarre photos, cartoons, and animations, here is a baker's dozen more including a kitty carrier, the world's most painful tattoo, a brave cat, a concept car, politically incorrectness, a doggy disguise, Pocari Sweat, and many more. Click here to tell a friend about this zany page!

From the Moscow Auto Show: USSR's latest Z.U.B.-built T.U.B. concept car by Bruce McCall

Is this cat really brave? Or dumb? Or does he have a death wish?

Like to laugh? Click on "Cartoon Books" below for some howling book bargins.

Fun Page #1 FunPage #3
© 2004. Web site design by Dave Ahl, e-mail