Here you'll find hundreds of bargains in stamps, plate blocks, covers, FDCs, postal history, and much more. It's a great eclectic mix like you'd find in the bargain bins at a stamp show, except you can look through the boxes in the comfort of your own home. Just hit the right arrow to go to the next box or the left arrow to go back to the last box.
Prices are unbelievably low and if you put a number of things together, I'll give you an additional discount and you'll save on shipping.
I have only one of each item! To make sure you get what you want, you can e-mail me at SwapMeetDave@aol.com and I'll set aside the items you want and ship them upon receipt of your check or money order. I also accept Pay Pal (to SwapMeetDave@aol.com) but I must ask PayPal users to add 3% to partially cover the PayPal commission. Send your order with payment to David Ahl, 12 Indian Head Road, Morristown, NJ 07960. Thank you! |
U.S. Postal Insurance Record Labels ~ Scott QI2 ~ Set of 3 |
This is perhaps the most unusual “Back-of-Book” item there is and it is probably missing from 99% of U.S. collections. It is a set of three Postal Insurance Record Labels. These labels were sold from vending machines to pay insurance on parcels for loss or damage. The label comes in a booklet of one, which also carries instructions for use and a receipt form to use if there is a claim. Only five of these items were issued between 1965 and 1981 (Scott QI1 to QI5). The one here, Scott QI2, was the most unusual. When issued in 1966, it paid $15 insurance and cost 20¢. The cost incrreased from 20¢ to 25¢ on April 18, 1976, but no 25¢ labels were printed. Existing copies of QI2 had 5¢ stamps added and the fee on the booklet cover was changed to 25¢, usually by hand. A second fee incrrease was passed in 1978, a 20¢ stamp added and the fee changed on the cover by hand to 40¢. Extremely few of these third items were produced because a new label booklet, QI3, was issued ealy in 1978.
The Scott catalog value of a 20¢ QI2 is $3.00, but the 25¢ and 40¢ varieties are not assigned a value due to their scarcity; dealers sell them for $15+ each and up! Now you can get all three of them from me for only $16.95 postpaid! |