Pugh First Day Covers - Scott 2198-2400
This page lists 102 First Day Covers of Scott Cat No. 2198 to 2400 by Pugh Cachets for sale by David Ahl. All FDCs are in mint condition. 10% discount for five or more covers. Click on links below for lists of other Pugh FDCs.
Covers are priced to sell fast! Prices are way under both dealer and auction prices.
All covers will be sent by first class or Priority Mail. You, the buyer, pay only the exact postage plus 50c per order for packaging and handling.
To make sure you get what you want, send e-mail to SwapMeetDave@aol.com and I'll set aside the items you want and ship them upon receipt of your check or money order. I also accept Pay Pal (pay to my account: SwapMeetDave@aol.com). Send your order with payment to David Ahl, 12 Indian Head Road, Morristown, NJ 07960. Thank you!
Pugh FDCs Intro | Scott 1788-2197 | Scott 2198-2400 | Scott 2401 and up Airmail, Postal Stationery, Official, Express Mail, Duck Hunting, Inauguration, Events
Click on any image to see the cover full size. To order, specify Pugh cachet and Scott number.
10% Discount on 5 or more similarly-priced covers!
Regular & Commemorative Issues ~ Scott 2198-2250 |
 2198. 1/23/86, Stamp collecting booklet, 13 of 36, 8603. SOLD |
 2202. 1/3/86, Love dog, 16 of 49, 8604. $30.00 |
 2202. With puppies Sc 2025 FDC, 16 of 49, 8604A. $30.00 |
 2203. 2/4/86, Sojourner Truth, 4 of 4, 8606. $40.00 |
 2204. 3/2/86, Texas, dual w/Alamo cancel, 16 of 36, 8606A. $40 |
 2204. 3/2/86, Texas, w/3 early stamps, 5 of 5, 8608B. $65.00 |
 2204. 3/2/86, Texas, Alamo cancel, 14 of 36, 8609A. $40.00 |
 2204. 3/2/86, Texas, Alamo cancel, 15 of 21, 8609B. $65.00 |
 2204. 3/2/86, Texas, dual w/2 cancels, 16 of 59, 8610. $35.00 |
 2205-09. 3/21/86, Fish booklet pane of 5, 14 of 58, 8612. $12.00 |
 2205-09. 3/21/86, Fish booklet pane of 5, 10 of 46, 8613. $12.00 |
 2210. 4/11/86, Public Hospitals, 5 of 5, 8614. $35.00 |
 2211. 4/29/86, Duke Ellington, 5 of 5, 8652. $35.00 |
 2216-19. 5/22/86, Presidential combos w/1938 stamps, set of 36, 86PRX. $350.00 |
 2220-23. 5/28/86, Polar Explorers block, 22 of 42, 8656. $20.00 |
 2224. 7/4/86, Statue Liberty w/3 earlier stamps, 29 of 50, 8664. $25.00 |
 2224. 7/4/86, Statue Liberty w/French + 2 US stamps, 30 of 36, 8664. $25.00 |
 2224. 7/4/86, Statue Liberty w/French + 2 US stamps, 34 of 50, 8665A. SOLD |
 2235-38. 9/4/86, Navajo Art block, 27 of 67, 8671. $20.00 |
 2239. 9/26/86, T.S. Eliot, 28 of 46, 8674. SOLD |
 2240. 10/1/86, Wood Carving block, 28 of 47, 8675. $18.00 |
 2244. 10/24/86, Christmas Perugino, 32 of 34, 8676. $22.00 |
 2245. 10/24/86, Xmas contemporary, 13 of 39, 8677A. SOLD |
 2244-45. 10/24/86, Christmas stamps, 17 of 77, 8677. $18.00 |
 2246. 1/2/87, Michigan statehood, 12 of 72, 8702. $15.00 |
 2247. 1/29/87, Pan Am Games, 13 of 84, 8703. $15.00 |
 2248. 1/30/87, Love, 14 of 43, 8705. $15.00 |
 2249. 2/20/87, duSable, 14 of 55, 8708. $15.00 |
 2250. 2/27/87, Caruso, 13 of 73, 8709. $19.00 |
Transportation Coils ~ Scott 2226, 2252-2266 |
 2226. 3/6/87, 2¢ Locomotive re-engraved, 12 of 51, 8712. $12.00 |
 2252. 2/29/88, 3¢ Conestoga Wagon, 12 of 159, 8810. $18.00 |
 2253. 9/25/87, 5¢ Milk Wagon, 12 of 113, 87982. SOLD |
 2254. 9/16/88, 5.3¢ Elevator, 17 of 163, 8861. $13.00 |
 2255. 8/30/88, 7.6¢ Carreta, 17 of 152, 8857. $15.00 |
 2256. 8/12/88, 8.4¢ Wheelchair, 17 of 190, 8852. $13.00 |
 2257. 4/11/87, 10¢ Canal Boat, 14 of 52, 8713. $34.00 |
 2258. 10/29/88, 13¢ Patrol Wagon, Std cancel, 27 of 68, 8878. $13.00 |
 2258. 10/29/88, 13¢ Patrol Wagon, AFDCS cancel, 14 of 99, 8878A. $13.00 |
 2258. 10/29/88, 13¢ FDC Collecting cancel, 15 of 91, 8878B. $13.00 |
 2259. 7/19/88, 13.2¢ Coal Car, 17 of 180, 8849. $15.00 |
 2260. 7/12/88, 15¢ Tugboat, 17 of 183, 8847. $14.00 |
 2261. 7/7/88, 16.7¢ Popcorn Wagon, 18 of 174, 8845. $18.00 |
 2263. 10/28/88, 20¢ Cable Car, 18 of 171, 8877. $15.00 |
 2264. 9/28/88, 20.5¢ Fire Engine, 17 of 169, 8863. $14.00 |
 2264-2266. Both Zip+4 stamps, 26 of 28, 88820. $25.00 |
 2265. 8/16/88, 21¢ Mail Car, 17 of 196, 8853. $14.00 |
 2266. 10/26/88, 24.1¢ Tandem Bicycle, 17 of 145, 8875. $13.00 |
Regular & Commemorative Issues ~ Scott 2267-2286 |
 2267. 4/20/87, Congratulations, 16 of 57, 8714. $22.00 |
 2268-69. 4/20/87, Get Well & Thank You, 16 of 58, 8715. $22.00 |
 2270, 2273. 4/20/87, Love You Dad & Love You Mother, 16 of 60, 8716. $22.00 |
 2271-72. 4/20/87, Best Wishes & Happy Birthday, 16 of 60, 8717. $22.00 |
 2272, 2274. 4/20/87, Keep In Touch & Happy Birthday, 16 of 55, 8718. $22.00 |
 2275. 4/28/87, United Way, 14 of 67, 8721. $18.00 |
 2276. 5/9/87, Flag & fireworks, 4 of 7, 8722. SOLD |
 2277. 3/23/88, E Stamp, 14 of 98, 8812. $13.00 |
 2278. 5/6/88, 25¢ Flag with clouds, 18 of 159, 8824. $15.00 |
 2279. 3/23/88, E Coil stamp, 16 of 73, 8812A. $20.00 |
 2280. 5/20/88, Flag over Yosemite, 17 of 176, 8826. $15.00 |
 2280a. 2/14/89, Flag coil, pre-phos, 38 of 144, 8916A. $12.00 |
 2281. 9/2/88, Honeybee coil, 17 of 173, 8858. $12.00 |
 2282. 3/22/88, E booklet, 19 of 194, 8819. $13.00 |
 2283. 4/29/88, Pheasant booklet, 19 of 207, 8818. $15.00 |
 2285A. 7/5/88, Flag with clouds, 28 of 151, 8844. $12.00 |
 2286. 6/13/87, Wildlife set of 50 FDCs. $350.00 |
Left: North American Wildlife set of 50 gorgeous FDCs, Scott 2286-2335. Set #4 of 104. Spectacular! $350.00 |
Bicentennial of States Ratification of the Constitution ~ Scott 2336-2348 |
 2336. 7/4/87, Delaware, 11 of 111, 8790. $18.00 |
 2337. 8/26/87, Pennsylvania, 13 of 153, 87953. $18.00 |
 2339. 1/6/88, Georgia, 13 of 172, 8801. $20.00 |
 2340. 1/9/88, Connecticut, 13 of 176, 8802. $15.00 |
 2341. 2/6/88, Massachusetts, 13 of 172, 8808. $18.00 |
 2343. 5/23/88, South Carolina, 17 of 162, 8829. $13.00 |
 2344. 6/21/88, New Hampshire, 18 of 167, 8836. $13.00 |
 2345. 6/25/88, Virginia, 19 of 173, 8838. $13.00 |
 2346. 7/26/88, New York, 18 of 49, 8850. $14.00 |
 2347. 8/22/89, North Carolina, 23 of 163, 8939. $18.00 |
 2348. 5/29/90, Rhode Island, 21 of 166, 9030. $15.00 |
Regular & Commemorative Issues ~ Scott 2349-2400 |
 2349. 7/17/87, Morocco Treaty, 13 of 130, 8793. SOLD |
 2350. 8/3/87, William Faulkner, 13 of 109, 8790. $16.00 |
 2351-54. 8/14/87, Lacemaking block, 13 of 136, 87941. $15.00 |
 2351-54. 8/14/87, Lacemaking block, 13 of 58, 87942. $15.00 |
 2355-59. 8/28/87, Constitution booklet, 11 of 29, 8796. $29.00 |
 2360. 9/17/87, Constitution, 12 of 111, 8797. SOLD |
 2361. 9/21/87, CPA (Certified Public Accountants), 12 of 91, 8798. SOLD |
 2362. 10/1/87, Locomotives booklet, 13 of 62, 87991. $24.00 |
 2367. 10/23/87, Christmas Madonna & Child, 12 of 149, 87992. $15.00 |
 2368. 10/23/87, Christmas ornament, 12 of 134, 87993. $12.00 |
 2369. 1/10/88, Winter Olympics, 11 of 177, 8803. $20.00 |
 2370. 1/26/88, Australia, 12 of 182, 8804. SOLD |
 2370. 1/26/88, Australia, 12 of 182, 8805. $20.00 |
 2371. 2/2/88, James Weldon Johnson, 13 of 175, 8806. $20.00 |
 2376. 3/9/88, Knute Rockne, 14 of 176, 8811. $35.00 |
 2377. 6/13/88, Francis Ouimet, 18 of 173, 8833. SOLD |
 2378. 7/4/88, Love, 19 of 198, 8843. $15.00 |
 2379. 8/8/88, 45¢ Love w/Sc 1100, 18 of 62, 8851. $15.00 |
 2380. 8/19/88, Summer Olympics, 18 of 166, 8854. $15.00 |
 2381-85. 8/25/88, Classic Cars booklet, 29 of 147, 8855. $25.00 |
 2386-89. 9/14/88, Antartic Explorers, 18 of 181, 8860. $15.00 |
 2390-93. 10/1/88, Carousel Animals, 18 of 172, 8864. $25.00 |
 2395-98. 10/22/88, Special Occasions block, 29 of 174, 88740. $13.00 |
 2395. 10/22/88, Happy Birthday, Plate number strip, 29 of 199, 88700. $12.00 |
 2396. 10/22/88, Best Wishes, Plate number strip, 29 of 200, 88730. $12.00 |
 2397. 10/22/88, Thinking of You, Plate number strip, 29 of 199, 88720. $12.00 |
 2399. 10/20/88, Xmas Traditional, 13 of 308, 8866. $15.00 |
 2400. 10/20/88, Winter village, 18 of 419, 8867. $15.00 |
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