2401. Montana, 21 of 150, 8902. $20.00 |
 2402. Philip Randolph, 8907. $20.00 |
 2403. North Dakota, 8908. $16.00 |
 2404. Washington, 8909. $20.00 |
 2405-09. Steamboats Bklt, 8918A. $20.00 |
 2405. Experiment, dual UO, 89110. $9.00 |
 2406. Phoenix, dual UO, 89120. $9.00 |
 2407. New Orleans, dual UO, 89130. $9.00 |
 2408. Washington, dual UO, 89140. $9.00 |
 2409. Walk in the Water, dual UO, 89150. $9.00 |
 2410. World Stamp Expo w/Sc 304, UO, 8 of only 8. $75.00 |
 2412. House of Representatives, 8921. $14.00 |
 2413. US Senate, 8922. $14.00 |
 2414. Executive Branch w/785, 1032, 8924. $18.00 |
 2415. Supreme Court, 9007. SOLD |
 2416. South Dakota w/783, 8925. $14.00 |
 2417. Lou Gehrig, 8929. $24.00 |
 2418. Ernest Hemmingway. $24.00 |
 2420. Letter Carriers, UO. $25.00 |
 2421. Bill of Rights, 8944. $14.00 |
 2422. Tyrannosaurus, 8945. $16.00 |
 2423. Pteranodon, 8946. $16.00 |
 2424. Stegosaurus, 8947. $16.00 |
 2425. Brontosaurus, 8948. $16.00 |
 2426. Pre Columbian America. $16.00 |
 2427. Christmas Traditional, 8951. $13.00 |
 2427a. Booklet pane of 10, 89511. $14.00 |
 2428. Christmas Sleigh, 8952. $11.00 |
 2429a. Booklet pane of 10, 89521. $19.00 |
 2431. Eagle shield self-adhesive w/1552. $18.00 |
 2433. Wolrd Stamp Expo S/S of 4. $15.00 |
 2434. Stagecoach, 8949. $14.00 |
 2435. Steamboat, 8950. $11.00 |
 2436. Biplane, 8951. $11.00 |
 2437. Depot Hack auto, 8952. $11.00 |
 2434-37. Classic mail block of 4. $20.00 |
 2438. Classic mail S/S of 4. $13.00 |
 2439. Idaho w/Sc 896. $18.00 |
 2440. Love birds, UO Lovelady. $14.00 |
 2441. Love booklet of 10, UO. $14.00 |
 2442. Ida B. Wells, 9006. $13.00 |
 2443. Beach Umbrella booklet of 10. $14.00 |
 2444. Wyoming w/897, 9010. $20.00 |
 2445. Wizard of Oz, Kendall Bevil. $22.00 |
 2447. Beau Geste, Kendall Bevil. $22.00 |
 2448. Stagecoach, art Kendall Bevil. SOLD |
 2445-48. Classic films block, Bevil. SOLD |
 2449. Marianne Moore, 9019. $13.00 |
 2451. 4¢ Steam Carriage. $8.00 |
 2453. 5¢ canoe, UO, 91-050. $10.00 |
 2454. 5¢ canoe (red type). $20.00 |
 2457. 10¢ Tractor Trailer, UO. $11.00 |
 2464. 23¢ Lunch Wagon, UO. $11.00 |
 2468. $1 Seaplane pair, UO. SOLD |
 2470-74. Lighthouse Booklet of 5. $50.00 |
 2470. Admiralty Head. Set of 5: $190.00 |
 2471. Cape Hatteras. Set of 5: $190.00 |
 2472. West Quoddy. Set of 5: $190.00 |
 2473. American Shoals. Set of 5: $190 |
 2474. Sandy Hook. Set of 5: $190.00 |
 2475. ATM Plastic stamp. $13.00 |
 2476. Amer Kestrel, combo, UO. $15.00 |
 2478. Eastern Bluebird, combo, UO. $13.00 |
 2480. Cardinal, combo, UO. $13.00 |
 2479. 19¢ Fawn pair. $12.00 |
 2482. $2 Bobcat, sheet of 20 on 7½ x 10½ env., hand painted, 18 of only 38, Spectacular! $145.00 |
 2482. $2 Bobcat, plate block on large #12 env., hand painted, 11 of only 19, Nice! SOLD
 2496-2500. Olympic strip of 5 on #12 env., hand painted, 12 of only 47, Beautiful. $28.00 |
 2482. $2 Bobcat, Clever cachet weaves stamp into design, 9031. $20.00
Left: same cachet by Julian Pugh on a #10 envelope for $25.00
 2496. Jesse Owens, 1992 Olympics, 9037. Set of 5 for $80.00 |
 2497. Ray Ewry, 1992 Olympics, 9038. Set of 5 for $80.00 |
 2498. Hazel Wightman, 1992 Olympics, 9039. Set of 5 for $80.00 |
 2499. Eddie Eagan, 1992 Olympics, 9040. Set of 5 for $80.00 |
 2500. Helene Madison, 1992 Olympics, 9041. Set of 5 for $80.00 |
 2484-85. Both Wood Duck varieties. $12.00 |
 2501. Assinboine headdress, 90470. Set of 5 for $75.00 |
 2502. Cheyenne headdress, 90480. Set of 5 for $75.00 |
 2503. Comanche headdress, 90490. Set of 5 for $75.00 |
 2504. Flathead headdress, 90500. Set of 5 for $75.00 |
 2505. Shoshone headdress, 90510. Set of 5 for $75.00 |
 2508-11. Sea Creature block of 4. SOLD |
Note that the Pugh cachet design is actually a continuous scene (but stamps not in Scott no. order). The art was done by the noted artist, Kendall Bevel. |
 2510. Sea Otter, US-Russia. Set of 4: $115.00 |
 2509. Sea Lion, US-Russia. Set of 4: $115.00 |
 2511. Dolphin, US-Russia. Set of 4: $115.00 |
 2508. Killer whale, US-Russia. Set of 4: $115.00 |
 2512. Grand Canyon, 9066. $8.00 |
 2513. Eisenhower, UO Denison, TX. $26.00 |
 2513. Eisenhower Maxi Card, UO. $26.00 |
 2514. Antonello Madonna. $16.00 |
 2515-16a. Booklet pane of 10 + Madonna, UO cancels, Pugh. $18.00 |
2515. Picture postcard produced by Mike Roberts, published by Santa's Workshop, Unofficial city First Day cancel from North Pole, CO. #33 of 58 made by Julian Pugh. $15.00. |
 2515-16. Two UO cancels. $16.00 |
 2519. F booklet of 10, 91-003. $11.00 |
 2521. Makeup rate (4¢) stamp. $10.00 |
 2522. F self-adhesive for ATM. $11.00 |
 2523. Flag over Mt Rushmore. $12.00 |
 2523. Gravure w/C88, 6 or only 10. $25.00 |
 2524. 29¢ tulip, UO Holland, MI. $10.00 |
 2525. 29¢ tulip coil pair. $18.00 |
 2527a. Tulip booklet of 10 w/tab, UO Holland, MI, #9 env. $20.00 |
 2530. Ballooning, UO Grandview, TX. $11 |
 2529. 19¢ Fishing boat coil pair. $20.00 |
 2531. Flags on parade, UO Old Glory. $13.00 |
 2531A. Liberty torch self-adhesive. SOLD |
 2532. Switzerland dual w/Swiss FDC. SOLD |
 2533. Vermont statehood. $12.00 |
 2534. US Savings Bonds. $10.00 |
 2535. Love Globe. $11.00 |
 2536. Love Globe booklet of 10. $11.00 |
 2537. 52¢ love birds. $12.00 |
 2538. Wm Saroyan w/Russia FDC. SOLD |
 2552. Desert Storm booklet (5). $13.00 |
 2553-57. Olympics strip, #12 env. $50.00 |
 2558. Numismatics. SOLD |
 2560. Basketball w/1189. $13.00 |
 2553. Olympic pole vault. Set of 5: $50.00 |
 2554. Olympic Discus. Set of 5 for $50.00 |
 2555. Olympic Sprinters. 5 for $50.00 |
 2556. Olympic Javelin. Set of 5 for $50.00 |
 2557. Olympic Hurdles. Set of 5: $50 |
 2562. Laurel & Hardy. Set of 5: SOLD |
 2563. Bergen & McCarthy. SOLD |
 2564. Jack Benny. SOLD |
 2565. Fanny Brice. Set of 5: SOLD |
 2566. Abbott & Costello. SOLD |
 2561. District of Columbia, Clever UO. $18.00 |
 2567. Jan Matzeliger. $15.00 |
2568-77. Space Exploration booklet of 10 stamps, each on a hand painted FDC by Julian Pugh, nine with an appropriate unofficial city cancel. An amazing set! Regular price $150, SOLD |
 2578. Antoniazzo Madonna, UO. $18.00 |
 2578. Hand drawn & painted, UO. $20.00 |
 2578a. Christmas booklet of 10, UO Palestine, TX, #9 env. $15.00 |
 2579. Santa Claus. $12.00 |
 2581-85. All 5 booklet stamps. $13.00 |
 2602. Eagle & shield coil strip of 3. $16.00 |
 2605. 23¢ presorted First Class w/1338. $13.00 |
 2618. Love, UO Valentines, VA. $15.00 |